Category Archives: Break A Leg

On the set in LA today

Yuri, the gang, and I are down in LA shooting a commercial project. Nice to get paid to work with these guys.

Do You Like Sacramento?

Because if you do, and you like Break A Leg, and you like things called the “MERRY SCARY WINTER HORRORLAND Holiday Horror Film Show“, then you should be there on December 6th! That’s when you can see The Devil Clause showing under these very circumstances! How specific!

“How long a minute is, depends on which side of the bathroom door you’re on.”

The title to this post is known as Zall’s Second Law. Every week it seems like Thursday arrives without any warning, and I find myself frantically typing in search of something of any value to write about. Yesterday I asked someone at work how his day was going, and he said “five minutes ago it […]

Break A Leg and job security

This was also posted today on Break A Leg. As a beginning actor years ago in San Francisco, I would scour several trade magazines, and eventually had memberships with a few websites once those became fashionable. I would mail, MAIL, headshots and resumes by the handful on a weekly basis, just trying to book a […]

Break A Leg in IMDB

Break A Leg, at long last, is finally on IMDB. Yay.

Break A Leg in the SF Chronicle!

I’ll copy/paste from the email Yuri sent me, since that’s the way I roll. Hey, guys. The SF Chronicle article is out and it’s really, really awesome. It’s well-written, in-depth and has some great pictures (Brian, check out yours). You can see it right here: I’m picking up a bunch of hard copy versions […]

Shooting For Break A Leg

So I shot for Break A Leg this last Thursday, and it was of course one of the most enjoyable cluster-fucks this side of the San Fernando Valley. The Conversation hasn’t aired yet, so I don’t want to spoil too much, but suffice it to say that Justin is a cheap son of a bitch […]

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