I feel lately like I’m on this crazy work-rehearsal-work treadmill. Only the treadmill is circular, just going around and around and around. I’m not sure if they can really make a treadmill like that, can they? A circle treadmill?
That’s bugging me, maybe this is better described as a carousel. A work-rehearsal-work carousel, with giraffes and unicorns and giant cats with fish in their mouths. That doesn’t actually sound at all like work or rehearsal.
The point is that I wake up, go to work, go to rehearsal, go home, go to sleep, wake up, go to rehearsal, go to work, etc. You dig that? It’s endless!
It’s not really endless, it has an end. The play will open, then it’s only Fridays and Saturdays. Work soldiers on though, lingering in my consciousness like a hamster under the refrigerator. Only the hamster usually dies before it can make its bold escape, work… not so much.
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