So this week I had my first paid acting gig of 2010. Yuri let me eat a raw potato for something we shot back in January but he’s always feeding me undercooked food so that doesn’t count.
The paid acting job I just had was a commercial for sausage. Yes, I put sausage in my mouth followed by a blissful smile on my face, it’s what we actors do to make a buck.
I’ve also started writing more. I now contribute to an iPhone app review website (link in the sidebar there, right?) and get a little scratch for that too. It’s not much much money, I mainly do it to keep myself writing semi-regularly and to eventually start scoring some free apps. Why I would value a free iPhone app over the pay that’s an order of magnitude higher I don’t really know, but I just do.
I’m also almost done with my first “real” screenplay, and it’s a doozy. By doozy, I mean “doozily horrible”, but that’s fine. It’s supposed to be bad. When I’m done with it, it will be bad and finished, and that’s all I want. The road to my masterpiece is paved with many days of waking up at the butt-crack of dawn just to try and crank out 1000 words before I hit the train and head to work.
850 of those words will eventually be deemed utter garbage, but someone once told me that writing is hard work. I hit that person, hit him so hard his nose bled, but that didn’t change the truth of his words. I thought maybe scratching his face would do that, but no such luck. Violence truly does solve nothing apparently, though the scientist in me will be constantly testing that hypothesis on random passers-by.
Here’s hoping that by the next time you hear from me I’m on a 3-week road trip across the country for a brewery, drinking beer and dancing with the natives. I don’t hold out much hope for that casting, when asked if I had much road-trip experience I told them about how Sina and I circumnavigated Maui after she got stung by a Portuguese man-of-war in ankle-deep water. I don’t think I much impressed them with my experience, though I demonstrated that I’m a fine raconteur.
One piece of advice for this, my first full post of the new year: just don’t ever watch Valentine’s Day. I know, most of you wouldn’t want to anyway, right? Look, it’s just you and me here, we can be honest. I know that you actually think it looks cute, and even though when you’re with your friends you say how much you hate Bradley Cooper or Julia Roberts is a bad actress, deep down you just love the idea of them (and Jessicas Alba and Biel, and Eric Dane & Patrick Dempsey, and Jennifer Garner) all being in a movie together. Admit it! Valentine’s Day is supposed to be not that great, just schmaltzy and syrupy and fun and loving and just all of the things about the movies that we truly love to hate but somewhere inside we also hate to love.
Well the movie is a damn train wreck people, no fucking joke. It’s utterly incoherent, poorly written, and most of the performances are terrible. There are a few standouts and some cute scenes, but all in all this is a stinker. And just to kick you in the nuts before you even know what a wild ride you’re in for, the previews take the cake as being trailers for what can only be apparently the worst movies ever made.
Hope your year is going well, time for me to watch a decent movie.
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