Because if you do, and you like Break A Leg, and you like things called the “MERRY SCARY WINTER HORRORLAND Holiday Horror Film Show“, then you should be there on December 6th! That’s when you can see The Devil Clause showing under these very circumstances! How specific!
There’s a review of sorts at SF Weekly from the critic that inspired Tore’s play March To November. Check it out.
Sunsweet is again running the Sunsweet Ones campaign nationally, starring yours truly and hers truly. In this frightul economy my agent also somehow managed to wring almost double the prior year’s payment terms out of the purveyors of that delicious delicious nature’s candy. Take that Old Man Cranky!
Posted 17 October 2008
The title to this post is known as Zall’s Second Law. Every week it seems like Thursday arrives without any warning, and I find myself frantically typing in search of something of any value to write about. Yesterday I asked someone at work how his day was going, and he said “five minutes ago it […]
I’ve been lazy about this. Watch these: Episode 14, War Games PSA, Join the New Child Actor’s Guild! Episode 15, Old Ghosts
Merlin Mann has given me yet another useful tool to figure out what to do in any given scene, except he was talking about GTD methodology. Read this post, and see how well it applies to understanding your character’s motivation.
Just checking out the functionality of this new iPhone app for wordpress blogs.
So I just purged most of the old content on this site, in an effort to finally get off Google’s Malware-distribution blacklist. I know, however will you read my old review of Solitaire for Nintendo DS? You see, months ago my blog was hacked, as was apparently trivial to do under an old version of […]