This was also posted today on Break A Leg. As a beginning actor years ago in San Francisco, I would scour several trade magazines, and eventually had memberships with a few websites once those became fashionable. I would mail, MAIL, headshots and resumes by the handful on a weekly basis, just trying to book a […]
Break A Leg, at long last, is finally on IMDB. Yay.
I’ll copy/paste from the email Yuri sent me, since that’s the way I roll. Hey, guys. The SF Chronicle article is out and it’s really, really awesome. It’s well-written, in-depth and has some great pictures (Brian, check out yours). You can see it right here: I’m picking up a bunch of hard copy versions […]
So I shot for Break A Leg this last Thursday, and it was of course one of the most enjoyable cluster-fucks this side of the San Fernando Valley. The Conversation hasn’t aired yet, so I don’t want to spoil too much, but suffice it to say that Justin is a cheap son of a bitch […]
Hey gang, check out me in my Giants commercial. First go here: Then click on the top (as of this time) box which should say “TV Reel”. Then click on the little plus sign in the lower right-hand corner of the video player, to skip the first spot. The next spot that looks like it’s […]
WTF?! 2008 is the yearIl รจ un gioco di carte. of the guy who keeps booking jobs. It’s also the year of the guy who’s really sick. Erg.
It’s for some sort of installation in New York City, should be running for a few weeks. I haven’t shot it yet, but once I find out when and where it’s supposed to run I’ll let you know. Anyone back east can go check it out!
Check it out on Fox Sports Network and the SF Bay Area NBC Channel 11. If you see what looks like a company picnic going on, and you’re watching one of those channels, that may be it!