Author Archives

Another Trauma Audition, Plus Zombies

At least they keep calling me back in, right? I’m even told how brilliant I am and what a fantastic job I’m doing at these auditions (when it’s true), though I have to wonder at what point they’ll just be sick of looking at me. To be fair I haven’t yet heard back about the […]

I Had A Hamster Once

I feel lately like I’m on this crazy work-rehearsal-work treadmill. Only the treadmill is circular, just going around and around and around. I’m not sure if they can really make a treadmill like that, can they? A circle treadmill? That’s bugging me, maybe this is better described as a carousel. A work-rehearsal-work carousel, with giraffes […]

Martinis, oysters, a broken elevator

Working everyday is a problem. Here’s the kind of mind-numbing hoo-ha I have to deal with on a daily basis: I’ve zoomed out far enough that you can’t make out details (and so I can’t get fired), but you get the gist. Boring crap that bleeds the creativity out of you and makes you long […]

Finally, tortellini pesto burgers

Looks like my suggestion box contribution paid off.

Laziness Only Gets You So Far

So I’m currently in rehearsals for a new original play called Zombie Town, a documentary play about zombies taking over a small town in Texas. So you know, it’s totally fact-based. The nature of the piece is such that I, like everyone else, am playing several roles. Two of them are fairly large, the other […]

Trauma audition, redux

Had another one today, this time for a role a little more “my bag”. I forgot my own advice and tried to put a little spin on it, which the prepping director directed right out of my ass. I take that as a good sign? Saw a real life trauma on the ramp out of […]

Some Random News

I’m at work today, that’s news right? God I hate work. Anyway, I have what we can refer to as a Paid Gig tomorrow, talking head for some riveting credit card industrial video. Pays well though, so you won’t ever hear me complaining. Kvetching maybe, a sarcastic quetch or two, but never complaining. I also […]

Weekend bonus

Didn’t show you lunch yesterday, so here’s me making it up to you. That’s a hefe-weizen. I can hear Outside Lands from here. At my house. Near Stern Grove.