Spoilers Ahead, don’t say I didn’t warn you. I’m not exactly sure why I watched the first episode of the new show Smash, which is set to premiere on February 6 but can currently be watched through Xfinity’s OnDemand for free. I mean I know why, my wife put it on while we were waiting […]
Today I had an audition, a fairly easy one that was right up my alley. I was to wear a suit and just stand up and talk a lot, a skill-set that represents 99% of the jobs I’ve been booking this year. The problem came with the talking part: see, for some reason I had […]
I recently went to Los Angeles to help cast for an upcoming project, in which I am already cast. I was technically there in my capacity as “host”, but due to my long relationship with the producers and my constant interaction with the talent, I was included in every casting discussion from start to finish. […]
Merlin Mann has given me yet another useful tool to figure out what to do in any given scene, except he was talking about GTD methodology. Read this post, and see how well it applies to understanding your character’s motivation.
This was also posted today on Break A Leg. As a beginning actor years ago in San Francisco, I would scour several trade magazines, and eventually had memberships with a few websites once those became fashionable. I would mail, MAIL, headshots and resumes by the handful on a weekly basis, just trying to book a […]
Stomach Flu starts with a real bang, as in “BANG! The food your son ate in the last three hours is now all over his bed!” It keeps the action humming with a one-two punch of constant, regular vomiting throughout the night that jumps out and grabs you like a vise-grip on your genitals. Stomach […]