Continuing with the theme of my giant head being inside of giant things that people are trying to sell to other people, we have this great new spot for I can’t tell you how fun it was being inside that giant credit card costume all day, because after about 20 minutes it wasn’t anymore!
We screw up a lot and it’s worth watching us do it, lest you think we’re all perfect and god-like.
I finally found a copy online of my SpeeDee Oil Change commercial, which seemingly everyone in the world except me has already seen. Check it out: SpeeDee oil change from Samplistic on Vimeo.
I’m a few days late, but anyone who’s anyone has probably already seen this. Episode 2, guest starring Emma Caulfield. It really helps if you not only watch it but comment on it, share it, Tweet it… do all of those social network-y things!
The web series to end all web series has finally debuted, and it is a doozy! We’re even featured on the home page of! Well we were, really… really! Anyway, see for yourself what critics around the world have called “the best web series sponsored by a small-business insurance company” by going to […]
Because if you do, and you like Break A Leg, and you like things called the “MERRY SCARY WINTER HORRORLAND Holiday Horror Film Show“, then you should be there on December 6th! That’s when you can see The Devil Clause showing under these very circumstances! How specific!
Hey gang, check out me in my Giants commercial. First go here: Then click on the top (as of this time) box which should say “TV Reel”. Then click on the little plus sign in the lower right-hand corner of the video player, to skip the first spot. The next spot that looks like it’s […]
I have honestly never wanted to blow my brains out more after a watching a movie than I did after watching The Pursuit of Happyness. Imean fuck-all, I was in a constant state of wanting-to-blow-brains-out throughout the entire damn movie. Don’t get me wrong, it can certainly be described as a good movie, and Will […]