Maybe you’ve already seen ’em, but if you haven’t here they are: three internet commercials for Arby’s luscious Reuben sandwich. I’m pretty sure their slogan isn’t “It’s like putting sex in your mouth”, but it should be! Produced by the eminently creative team at HLG Films.
I’m sitting on a transnational flight heading from San Francisco to New York City, to shoot for a few days on a web series project called Leap Year. Without getting into too much detail, it’s basically about some people who take the leap from the business world of steady employment and start their own businesses. […]
I recently took a three-week road trip across the country, visiting 13 cities in 14 states (we blasted right through Oklahoma without staying the night), meeting dozens of interesting people, and doing lots and lots of work. I know that there are questions that a lot of you would want answered about a trip like […]