I Had A Hamster Once

I feel lately like I’m on this crazy work-rehearsal-work treadmill. Only the treadmill is circular, just going around and around and around. I’m not sure if they can really make a treadmill like that, can they? A circle treadmill?

That’s bugging me, maybe this is better described as a carousel. A work-rehearsal-work carousel, with giraffes and unicorns and giant cats with fish in their mouths. That doesn’t actually sound at all like work or rehearsal.

The point is that I wake up, go to work, go to rehearsal, go home, go to sleep, wake up, go to rehearsal, go to work, etc. You dig that? It’s endless!

It’s not really endless, it has an end. The play will open, then it’s only Fridays and Saturdays. Work soldiers on though, lingering in my consciousness like a hamster under the refrigerator. Only the hamster usually dies before it can make its bold escape, work… not so much.

Martinis, oysters, a broken elevator

Working everyday is a problem. Here’s the kind of mind-numbing hoo-ha I have to deal with on a daily basis:

Scheduling Is Fun!

I’ve zoomed out far enough that you can’t make out details (and so I can’t get fired), but you get the gist. Boring crap that bleeds the creativity out of you and makes you long for the days of 3-martini lunches. What I wouldn’t give for a stash of Irish Whiskey right now.

Finally, tortellini pesto burgers

Looks like my suggestion box contribution paid off.

Laziness Only Gets You So Far

So I’m currently in rehearsals for a new original play called Zombie Town, a documentary play about zombies taking over a small town in Texas. So you know, it’s totally fact-based.

The nature of the piece is such that I, like everyone else, am playing several roles. Two of them are fairly large, the other three fairly small. It’s fun and challenging, plus we talk about zombies, so there’s that too.

Part of the challenge is that not only am I working on several distinct characters but that they all have Texas accents. I’m not really good enough with accents to give them all distinct Texas accents from different parts of the state or anything, but I do have to distinguish their voices in tone and rhythm, since costume changes are more or less out of the question.

In other words, this play is a hell of a lot more work than I’m used to.

Take also my recent second audition for NBC’s Trauma. I found out at around 1 PM last Thursday that I had an audition at 5:55 PM… last Thursday. OK, mad scramble to get home and get the car, back to work for a little bit, grab the grooming creme to get my hair in shape, and in the interstices try to memorize the scene.

See I don’t normally bother memorizing lines for auditions around here. The stuff we do is mostly corporate, talking-head, jargon-speak type stuff that you couldn’t memorize anyway without totally butchering. But this was a Big Time Network Audition. So again, more work than I’m used to doing as an actor.

Now all of this is not to say that I’m a lazy actor!

Actually no, upon re-reading what I wrote it would seem that I am actually a lazy actor.

That’s overstating things just a little. I was recently told by someone at my agency that I’m one of their most motivated actors. If I weren’t so stoic this would have hit me like a ton of bricks. Instead I think I arched an eyebrow, maybe two. Or more. Here I think I’m scooting by on the bare minimum, yet I’m being told that I book more work than most of the other actors at the agency actually bother to show up to audition for.

Unravel the structure of that last sentence and you have quite a statement on your hands.

It’s kind of like how in school I kept being told that I had “potential”. Remind me to never use that word with my son, it does nothing to motivate people, it’s like saying “God you’re such a fuck-up, can’t you actually DO anything?”

That’s all, just thought I’d share.

Trauma audition, redux

Had another one today, this time for a role a little more “my bag”. I forgot my own advice and tried to put a little spin on it, which the prepping director directed right out of my ass. I take that as a good sign?

Saw a real life trauma on the ramp out of Treasure Island. Good old-fashioned Car Wars-style t-bone! No injuries.

Some Random News

I’m at work today, that’s news right? God I hate work.

Anyway, I have what we can refer to as a Paid Gig tomorrow, talking head for some riveting credit card industrial video. Pays well though, so you won’t ever hear me complaining. Kvetching maybe, a sarcastic quetch or two, but never complaining.

I also start serious rehearsals soon for Zombie Town (bonus points for finding me in the background images), so I guess I’d better get to work on my script or something. I hope Tore isn’t reading this.

You also will be pleased to know that I will not be seen in the Halloween episode of Trauma. That was a close one.

Some pictures for you (click for bigger):

Weekend bonus

Didn’t show you lunch yesterday, so here’s me making it up to you.

That’s a hefe-weizen.

I can hear Outside Lands from here. At my house. Near Stern Grove.

Now this is a lunch

Busy morning, but still time for some ravioli and seasoned carrots.